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Footing and Foundation Inspection 

Footing inspection is carried out to determine suitable ground conditions for the provided civil or structural design. This inspection usually carried out by reviewing the geotechnical investigation report/s issued for the site and visually inspecting the exposed ground conditions. However, this inspection may also be carried out in collaboration with onsite testing and laboratory testing depending on the project requirements.


This inspection and field testing generally carried for the following purposes:


  • Installation of deep footings (pile footings, excavated pad footing etc.);

  • Installation of shallow footings (shallow pad footings, strip footings, slab on ground etc.);

  • Improving problematic soils.

We are proud to provide Geotechnical and Geological advice and assistance for domestic and commercial projects and a range of services.


With fast and Cost effective services Greywacke Geotechnics is here to assist you stay on time and budget.


Phone us today for expert advice and professional service.


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